The forests' strong contribution to a sustainable climate

The Swedish forest collects twice as much carbon dioxide as Sweden’s total emissions*. Sweden is the world's third largest exporter of forest products*, which are renewable biomaterials. In other words, the forest contributes greatly to creating a more sustainable world. With increased innovation and electrification, the forest industry can contribute even more to creating a more sustainable future.

Thinning is the best way to maintain a healthy forest with strong trees. Smaller trees are removed to make room for the stronger trees so that they can grow even larger.

Thinning today

Today, thinning is usually performed with two 15-ton machines that hurt the environment.

The vehicles require access roads to get around in the forest. These roads take up 20 percent of the ground area during thinning, require the felling of more trees, create deep tracks in the ground and damage other vegetation and roots.

Thinning with less impact on the forest contributes to a more gentle forestry and promotes biodiversity.

Thinning tomorrow

AirForestry thins the forest from the air. It reduces the industry's climate footprint and enables continued development of the forestry industry, which is a crucial part of the sustainable transition.

AirForestry enables forestry that is gentle to the local environment, it paves the way for increased biodiversity through greater flexibility and freedom of choice, and lets forests keep smaller shrubs and trees.

In this way, we at AirForestry can contribute to making forests even more climate-smart.

Potential to increase the forest's carbon dioxide uptake by 1-20 million metric tons per year in Sweden*.

Properly used technology leads to more biodiversity.

Circular business model which will be resource efficient. We take responsibility at all levels.
